用户针对公司内部文件,可以在互海通系统内进行分组。 用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“体系管理→体系文件→内部文件”进入内部文件界面,再点击“体系文件分组”,在体系文件分组界面点击“新增分组”进入新增体系分组界面,在该界面填写分组名称及备注信息,选择适用船舶(可全选或选择个别船舶),勾选该体系分组关联的体系文件,点击“确定”后即可成功创...
When the Ministry of Communications / Maritime Safety Administration and other relevant departments issued and updated relevant files, in order to facilitate the shippin...
Users log in to the OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" in order to enter the external file interface, click to "Shared Files&...
Users login in to the OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" to enter the external file interface, can find the target file through th...
Users log in the OLISS web side and click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" to enter the external file interface. They can query the target file throug...
Users log in to the OLISS web side and click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" in order to enter the external file interface. First, click "Export...
After logging in to the OLISS web side, users can click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External files" in order to enter the external file interface. They can find ...
User login in to the OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" in order to the external file interface, click "Add", in the add...
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“体系管理→体系文件→外部文件”进入外部文件界面,点击切换至“共享体系材料”界面,可通过列表上方筛选栏等查找目标共享文件,点击目标文件右侧“…”,选择“复制”,在复制外部文件界面,根据需要填写主办部门、公司内部编号等信息(带*必填),最后点击“确定”。 说明: 共享体系材料复制成功后,所复制的文件将会出现...