根据公司管理需求,可对某类型物品设置自动询价,即采购申请审批通过后,自动发出询价邮件和短信,无需再手动操作发起询价。 用户登录互海通Web端,在“采购管理→采购计划”界面,可按以下步骤1-7进行操作: 注:同一条船同一种物资类型(备件 /物料/油料)只能设置一条自动询价! 下一步: 询价单自动发送后, 用户可至 “询价管理”界面,将单据...
After the approval of the items purchased by the ship, if the shore-based stock is sufficient, it can be directly applied for from the shore-based, saving the time of pu...
The user logs in to the OLISS Web side, and in the "Purchase Management → Purchase Plan" interface, the following steps 1-3 can be operated: How to set common ...
After the approval of purchase plan, it will become a purchase plan. The purchase plan can be queried on the combined items to inquiry interface and the purchase applica...
Purchase application becomes a purchase plan after approval. The current inquiry methods in the system are divided into two types, combined items to inquiry and purchase...
After the Purchase Application (non-vessel purchase) is approved, the documentation will automatically become the purchase plan. In order to facilitate the offline docki...
After the chart purchase form is approved, it becomes a purchase plan. Users can initiate chart inquiries on the purchase plan interface. Users can log in to the OLISS W...
采购申请审批通过后变为采购计划。系统当前询价方式分为 2种,组合询价和按单询价。(该文档以物料为例) 1.组合询价: 用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“采购管理→采购计划”,在采购计划界面点击“物料”,勾选“组合询价”,再次勾选需要选购的物品后,点击左下角购物车图标进入购物车界面,在该界面核对相关物品后点击右下角“选择供应商”,再次点击...