Before adding the temporary oil inspection task, the oil inspection plan needs to be set first, because the oil inspection plan includes the oil inspection approval proc...
According to the approval process and inspection plan, after the completion of the oil inspection task, the documents will be transferred to the workbench with acceptanc...
After the user logs in to the web site of OLISS, click "Maintenance → Oil Inspection" in order. On the oil inspection interface, you can follow steps 1-5 as fo...
According to the oil inspection plan that has been set and selected inspection date,the Waiting Tasks of oil inspection on Dashboard are generally overdue or due. Take t...
For oil inspection, you need to set an inspection plan first. After setting, if you add an oil inspection task, according to the approval process and the inspection plan...
进行油料检测,首先需要设置检验计划,设置完成后,当新增油料检测时,根据审批流程及检验计划的设定,油料检测任务会自动到达有相应权限人员的工作台。 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,在流程审批任务中点击“油料监测-执行”,进入油料检测-执行界面,单据较多时可通过筛选栏搜索目标单据,然后点击目标单据,进入油料检测执行中详情界面:选择...
根据油料检测审批流程和检验计划的设定,油料检测任务执行完毕后,单据流转至有验收权限人员的工作台进行审批。 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,点击流程审批下的“油料检测-验收”,进入油料检测验收界面,点击目标单据,进入详情界面:填写反馈意见或上传附件,根据实际情况进行选择“验收”或“退回”,也可进行“评论”操作。若点击“验收”,...
在新增临时油料检测任务前,需要先设置油料检验计划,因为油料检验计划中包含了油料检测审批流程;在新增任务后只需提交即可,无需选择审批流程。 用户登录互海通Web端后,依次点击“维护保养→油料检测”,在油料检测界面,点击“新增”可新增临时油料监测,进入新增监测界面:选择检测设备和检测样品,并填写好相关取样信息(带*必填),根据实际情况点击“...
用户登录互海通Web端后,依次点击“维护保养→油料检测”,在油料检测界面,点击“设置检验计划”,进入设置检验计划界面:点击“新增”,可设置新的检验计划,点击“编辑”可对已设置的检验计划进行编辑。 若点击“新增”,跳出选择检验设备弹窗,可通过筛选栏快速查找目标设备,点击目标设备右侧“选择”,进入选择设备界面:选择油类、生效日期、审批流程,...