供应商报价后,在询价单详情界面,无论是未提交审批的询价方案(“询价中”状态),还是已提交审批中的询价方案(“报价审批中”状态),均可更换供应商。 1、“询价中”的询价方案 用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“采购管理→询价管理”进入询价管理界面,筛选状态为“询价中”且供应商数量为2家及以上的询价单,点击进入询价单详情。切换至“询价供应商”...
The purchasing personnel receive the quotation from the supplier, and choose the best scheme according to the cost performance for approval. According to the process nod...
多申请单组合询价时,同一船舶内不同部门的物品拆分成不同的订单,运费按部门的物品项数进行平分,遇到除不尽的情况,按四舍五入方式取整。 例如: 当甲板部和轮机部同时申请了备件,采购员在“采购管理→采购计划”界面进行组合询价,询价单执行发送订单时,会根据部门生成2个采购订单,运费按照部门的物品项数进行拆分取整(总运费100元,甲板部采购1项,...
采购人员收到供应商报价,根据性价比选择优质的方案提交审批,根据流程节点,有审批权限的人员在工作台--流程审批界面会出现询价方案待审批任务。 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,在流程审批任务中点击“询价方案-审批”,单据较多时,可通过筛选栏或关键字搜索目标单据,点击目标单据任意位置进入询价方案详情界面。在该界面,有编辑权限的审批...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-6 in the "Workbench → Workflow Task → Purchase Order- Execute" interface. Next step: After confirming...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side, go to the "Workbench → Workflow Task → Purchase Order - Accept" interface, and follow the steps 1-6 below to operate: W...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-3 in the "Electronic Signature → Contract Management" interface. How to view the status of electronic...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-4 in the "Purchase Management → Purchase Order" Exported Purchase Ledger: How to view and export proc...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-4 in the "Purchase Management → Purchase Order" interface. After the download is complete, check the ...
The company has the function of electronic signature, and users can initiate electronic procurement contracts during the execution and acceptance stages of purchase orde...