After the stock-out record is submitted, according to the workflow, the document is transferred to the workbench of personnel with approval authority for stock-out docum...
用户登录互海通 Web端后,在船舶库存和岸基库存界面,均可进行“存放位置/负责人设置”操作,这里以船舶库存为例。 点击“船舶库存”,进入船舶库存界面,在该界面点击右上方“存放位置/负责人设置”后,进入存放位置/负责人界面,点击可切换“存放位置/负责人”列表,还可分别针对存放位置及负责人进行新增、导出、重新指定及编...
After the stock-in record is submitted, according to the setting of the approval process, the record flows to the workbench of the personnel who has the stock-in record ...