用户提交维修申请后,若单据暂无人审批,用户本人申请的维修申请单可以进行撤回操作。 用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“维修管理→维修申请”进入维修申请界面,可根据筛选条件及关键字搜索快速查找目标单据(注:单据状态筛选“审批中”),点击目标单据任意位置进入详情界面,在该界面点击“撤回”,确认弹窗点击“确定”,则单据退回到编辑状态。 说明: ...
维修申请单提交审批后,根据审批流程节点,单据流转至有审批权限的人员工作台。 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,点击流程审批下的“维修申请”进入维修申请界面,点击待审批的维修申请单,进入维修申请审批界面。在该界面,审核人员可根据实际情况修改单据名称、预计维修日期及地点、建议维修类型、紧急程度以及维修项明细等信息,最后点击“同意”...
用户登录互海通Web端后,依次点击“维修管理→维修申请”进入维修申请界面,在该界面,点击目标单据右侧的“导出”,根据需要选择“导出申请单/下载全部附件/全流程凭证”即可导出相应文件。 Web端如何导出维修申请单、附件、全流程凭证(文档).pdf
After the execution of the yard repair item, the record shall be transferred to the personnel workbench with acceptance authority according to the approval process node....
After the yard repair scheme is finished, the record will be transferred to the personnel workbench with the authority to execute the voyage repair item. User login in t...
After the execution of the voyage repair item, the record shall be transferred to the personnel workbench with acceptance authority according to the approval process nod...
After the repair scheme is finished, the record will be transferred to the personnel workbench with the authority to execute the voyage repair item. User login in to the...
After the repair scheme is confirmed, the record will be transferred to the personnel workbench with the authority to execute the self repair item. Users log in to the O...
After the execution of the self repair item, the record shall be transferred to the personnel workbench with acceptance authority according to the approval process node ...