用户登录互海通Web端,在“船舶管理→隐患排查→故障共享”界面,可按照以下步骤1-4进行操作: Web端如何查看、编辑、删除典型故障(文档).pdf
According to the setting of vessel certificates by shore-based personnel, for the certificates that are due or overdue,there will be a reminder at the workbench (general...
User log in to the OLISS Web side, and enter the workbench by default, click on the "hidden hazard inspection task-accept" . In the "hidden hazard inspect...
根据岸基对船舶证书的设置,即将到期或已过期的证书会在工作台有提醒(一般在船长工作台提醒)。在互海通系统中,即将到期指的是“临期”,已过期指的是“超期” 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,点击“待处理任务→船舶证书”,在船舶证书临期界面,可在筛选栏搜索目标船舶证书,也可根据需要对船舶证书进行“编辑”或“删除”操作,若点击“编辑”...
The user logs in to the OLISS Web side , and clicks to enter the"Vessel Management → Certificate Management → Vessel Certificate" interface ,You can follow ste...
用户登录互海通Web端,在“船舶管理→技术文件”界面,可按照以下步骤1-4进行操作: Web端如何批量导出、导入技术文件(文档).pdf
Log in to the OLISS Web side, and on the Vessel Management - Vessel Information page, you can perform the following steps 1-3: How to view and modify Vessel Management (...
Users can log in to the website of OLISS, and operate in"Vessel Management → Vessel Inspection"interface according to the following steps 1-4: How to configure...