用户登录互海通Web端,在“船舶报告→油耗报告”界面,点击“油耗报告”后,再次点击“导出”,导出船舶油耗报告,具体操作见下图: Web端如何导出船舶油耗报告(文档).pdf
用户登录互海通Web端后,点击“岸电使用登记”,在岸电使用登记界面点击“新增”,选择船舶后点击“确定”,进入新增岸电使用记录界面,填写相关信息(带*必填),最后点击“提交”即可。 当新增岸电使用登记提交后,其状态为“验收中”,点击该记录,进入岸电使用详情界面,点击“撤回”可撤回该单据。 Web端如何新增及撤回船舶...
用户登录互海通Web端,在“工作台→流程审批→航次汇报”界面,可按照以下步骤1-3进行操作: 下一步: 若审核通过,单据会变成“已完成”状态; 若审核退回,单据会退回到航次工作汇报界面,找到单据后重新编辑可再次提交,如下图: Web端如何审批航次工作汇报(文档).pdf
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Vessel Report→ Shore Power Use→ Shore Power Use Record" interface according to the following steps 1...
用户登录互海通Web端,在“工作台→快捷方式→新增航次油耗报告”界面,可按照以下步骤1-4进行操作: 注: 1、航次油耗报告是基于整个航次过程中所消耗油料等做的汇总报告,用户前期可以先创建报告草稿,即点击“创建”界面的“保存”键,等航次结束后根据需要修改相关数据后再提交; 2、航次油耗报告提交后,关联库存(库存相应扣除)并且会生成对...
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Vessel Report→ Voyage Oil Consumption Report" interface according to the following steps 1-3: Note: ...
How to invalidate the Vessel Oil Consumption Report Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Vessel Report→ Oil Consumption Report" interface...
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Workbench→ Workflow Task→ Approve→ Voyage Report(To Be Approved)" interface according to the followi...
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in Workbench interface according to the following steps 1-4: Note: 1.Voyage Oil Consumption Report is a summary re...
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Workbench" interface according to the following steps 1-5: How to deal with the rejected Voyage Work...