用户登录互海通Web端,在“船员费用→船员工资→薪资设置”界面,可按以下步骤1-4进行操作: 下一步: 薪资任务设置完成后,相关人员工作台会有月薪表待提交任务,如下图: Web端如何设置月薪表制作任务(文档).pdf
用户登录互海通Web端,在 “船员费用→船员合同” 界面,可按以下步骤1-7进行操作: Web端如何发起电子船员合同(文档).pdf
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Vessel Report→ Shore Power Use→ Shore Power Use Record" interface according to the following steps 1...
After the purchase order is completed, users can evaluate the supplier's services, products, and so on. The supplier score is the comprehensive score obtained from the u...
In order to meet the different needs of users, there are two inquiry modes inOLSaa: General Inquiry and Bidding. There are two ways to create an inquiry form with the in...
一、Web端扫描下载: 在互海通Web端(https://shipping.oceanlinktech.cn)登录界面扫描二维码下载,如下图: 二、手机应用市场搜索下载 安卓手机(即非苹果系统手机,如华为,小米等):各大安卓应用市场搜索“互海通”-下载安装-点击软件-输入帐号密码完成登录(账号密码由岸基管理员分配)。应用商店有:腾讯应用...
Users can log in to OLSaaS APP when there is a network and operate in the interface of "Management → Maintenance Management → Maintenance Management" according...
After the maintenance task is completed, according to the workflow node, the document is transferred to the workbench of personnel with acceptance authority. Users can l...
Users can log in to OLSaaS APP and operate in the interface of "Waiting Task → Due/Overdue → Maintenance Order (to be executed)"according to the following step...