Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-4 in the "Purchase Management → Annual Agreement Price" interface. How to view the annual agreement (...
年度保养计划制定完成后,系统将根据维护周期生成保养任务,根据年度保养计划中设置的 “提前生成任务天数”,在到达相应时间后,有权限的人员工作台--待处理任务界面会出现“保养单待执行”任务。 用户登录互海通 App端,在“工作台→待处理任务”界面,可按以下步骤1-4操作: 下一步: 保养任务执行完毕后,单据变成“待验收 ”状态,根据审批节点...
用户登录互海通APP端,设置设备运行时长,可按以下步骤1-5进行操作: APP端如何设置设备运行时长(文档).pdf
Accepting NCR and Issue List, Equipment Disqualification consistent steps, here to accept NCR as an example. After the user logs in to the OLISS Website, and operate in ...
Executing NCR and Issue List, Equipment Disqualification consistent steps, here to execute NCR as an example. After the user logs in to the OLISS Website, and operate in...
After the user logs in to the OLISS Web side, click "Setting - Order Number Setting" in order to enter the order number setting interface. Click "Edit&quo...
After the user imports the item stock into the OLISS system through the stock initialization function, the stock entry form will be automatically generated in the stock ...
After the stock-in record is submitted, according to the setting of the approval process, the record flows to the workbench of the personnel who has the stock-in record ...
用户登录互海通Web端,有权限的人员(“年度协议价”权限)可在以下界面查看年度协议价相关信息: 1、采购申请-添加采购项界面 2、采购计划界面 3、询价管理界面 如询价对象是该物品对应的协议供应商,则该供应商收到的询价单界面如下: 互海通询价管理界面收到的报价信息界面如下: 4、采购订单界面 Web端年度协议价相关界面展示(文档).pdf
(本文档以物料为例) 1、采购申请编辑界面,可能有必填项没有填写(带*为必填项),此时无法提交采购申请: 2 、 在规定的时间段内有 超过限制数量的采购单据未处理结束 或待验收订单数量超过规定数量 当前分船舶、分部门(甲板、轮机)、分项目(备件、物料、油料) ,在规定时间段内(月度、季度、年度) 存在超过限定数量 的 已提交并且未处理结...