After the approval of the vessel purchase document., the documentation will change to "To Be Accepted" status, and the task of "Vessel Purchase - Accept&q...
Users log in to the OLISS Web side and click "Notice Management" to enter the notice management interface. Select the notice to be modified, click "Re-edi...
Users log in to the OLISS Web side and can follow the following steps 1-5 in the notice management interface: How to publish a new notice on the web side (document).pdf
用户登录互海通Web端,在公告管理界面,可按以下步骤1-5操作: Web端如何发布公告(文档).pdf
After the approval of the Purchase Application form (Purchase Modes: Vessel Purchase), according to the Vessel Purchase approval process, the documentation will automati...
After the purchase order is completed, users can evaluate the supplier's services, products, and other aspects based on the purchase order. The supplier score is a compr...
应急演练执行完毕后,根据审批流程节点,单据流转至有验收权限的人员工作台。 用户登录互海通Web端,在“工作台→应急演练-验收”界面,可按以下步骤1-4操作: 说明: 若验收通过,单据变成“已完成”状态; 若验收退回,则单据会退回到上一步(即:执行阶段),单据会退回到执行人员工作台,重新提交审核 (点击 工作台待处理任务下的“应急演练”,...
After the purchase order is completed, users can evaluate the supplier's services, products, and other aspects based on the purchase order. Users log in to the OLISS Web...
应急演练根据应急年计划设置审批通过后会自动生成,用户也可根据需求添加临时演练,根据生效日期及周期,应急演练执行任务会出现在工作台待处理任务界面。 用户登录互海通 Web端,进入工作台界面,可按以下步骤1-4进行操作 : 下一步: 应急演练执行完毕后,根据流程审批节点,单据将流转至有验收权限的人员工作台。 Web端如何执行应急演练(文档)...
用户登录互海通Web端,在“工作台→应急年计划-审批”界面,可按以下步骤1-6进行操作: 通过: 退回: 下一步: 应急年计划审批通过后自动生成应急演练任务。 Web端如何审批应急年计划(文档).pdf