
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side andfollow the steps 1-7 below in the "Setting - > Basic Data - > Spare Parts" interface: 1. Modify component infor...

modify equipment component spare parts web
朱慧     2024-12-13 15:21     來源: 备件管理     0 33 0

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and click the "spare parts", find the specific parts in the spare parts interface, and click the "Check Spares List...

add spare parts basic data web
朱慧     2024-12-13 15:19     來源: 备件管理     0 46 0

After sending an inquiry through the OLISS system (Inquiry Mode: General Inquiry), the supplier will provide a full or partial quotation according to the situation. User...

Web supplier not quoted separate inquiry quick inquiry
孙红梅     2024-12-13 15:07     來源: 询价管理     0 24 0

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-4 below in the "Vessel Incident Records" interface: How to view and export vessel incident records on...

view export vessel incident records web
朱慧     2024-12-13 14:18     來源: Web端     0 18 0

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-4 below in the "Vessel Incident Records" interface: How to add a vessel incident record on the web si...

add vessel incident record web
朱慧     2024-12-13 14:15     來源: Web端     0 21 0

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-6 in the "Vessel Incident Records → Incident Type Setting" interface: Description: After the incident...

set up incident type web
朱慧     2024-12-13 14:13     來源: Web端     0 23 0

In the OLISS system, there are two ways to send the vessel's contact information and purchase order to the supplier at the same time, which facilitates timely and effect...

Web ship contact information suppliers sending orders convenient docking
孙红梅     2024-12-13 14:06     來源: 询价管理     0 27 0

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-10 in the "Purchasing Management → Inquiry Management" interface. Next step: After initiating an inqu...

Web procurement management inquiry management how to inquire
孙红梅     2024-12-13 13:30     來源: 询价管理     0 31 0

After the emergency drill is executed, according to the approval process node, the drill is transferred to the personnel workbench with acceptance authority. The user lo...

accept emergency drills web
朱慧     2024-12-13 13:26     來源: 应急演练     0 30 0

Emergency drills will be automatically generated after approval according to the annual emergency plan. Users can also add temporary drills according to their needs. Acc...

execute emergency drills web
朱慧     2024-12-13 13:24     來源: 应急演练     0 39 0