用户登录互海通Web端,在“工作台→待处理任务→船员证书-无附件”界面,可按照以下步骤1-4进行操作: 说明: 当船员在船且船员证书缺少附件,“工作台-待处理任务”才会有船员证书无附件任务。 Web端如何处理船员证书无附件任务(文档).pdf
Log in to the OLISS Web side, and on the Crew Management → Crew Information interface, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-3: Users can export ...
用户登录互海通Web端,在“船员管理→船员资料”界面,可按照以下步骤1-3进行操作: 用户导出所需模板,在完善信息后,可以通过“导入数据”键将已完善的船员资料信息导入互海通系统! (注意:仅支持系统导出的Excel模板导入) Web端如何初始化船员资料信息(文档).pdf
After log in to the OLISS Web side, users can perform the "storage location/responsible person setting" operation on Vessel Stock and shore-based Stock interfa...
1.登录 通过手机端微信,查找并进入“互海船员”小程序界面,在该界面点击 “登录”后,勾选同意协议以及点击“获取手机号”。 当选择好需绑定的手机号码后,填写姓名、身份证号,再点击“确定”即可完成认证。 认证成功后,船员根据需要绑定海事局账号,当绑定该账号后,可自动更新该船员简历。 2.首页 登录互海船员小程序后,默认在首页界面。 注意:...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-4 in the "Stock Management →Stock-out Management" interface. Taking the correction of Stock-out Corre...
1.登录 用户登录互海通Web端后,默认进入工作台界面,点击右上角“切换系统”,然后点击“培训考试”,系统默认进入船员考试界面。 2.培训考试 培训考试包含船员考试、题库管理、船员培训、培训课件。 注意:使用该功能前需要在题库管理或培训课件中新增内容,然后在船员考试或船员培训中新增试卷或培训课程即可。 2.1.题库管理 题库管理包含自有...
After the outbound order is submitted, according to the setting of the approval process, the documentation flows to the personnel workbench with the outbound order appro...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-6 in the "Workbench → Workflow Task → Purchase Order- Execute" interface. Next step: After confirming...
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side, go to the "Workbench → Workflow Task → Purchase Order - Accept" interface, and follow the steps 1-6 below to operate: W...