
Users can log in to the OLISS Web side, go to the" Crew Expenses → Crew Salary → Monthly Salary Sheet → Salary Detail Summary " interface, and follow the steps...

Web new addition subsidy
孙红梅     2024-12-24 10:02     來源: 船员工资     0 20 0

用户登录互海通Web端,在“船员费用→船员工资→月度薪酬表→薪资明细汇总”界面,可按照以下步骤1-5进行操作: Web端如何在工资界面给船员增加补贴(文档).pdf

Web端 新增 补贴
孙红梅     2024-12-24 09:33     來源: 船员工资     0 22 0

Log in to the Web version of Hai Tong, go to the Crew Cost → Crew Salary → Monthly Salary Sheet interface, and follow these steps 1-4: 1. View operations: 2、Export Opera...

Web crew salary view crew salary export crew salary monthly salary table
孙红梅     2024-12-24 09:22     來源: 船员工资     0 23 0

用户登录互海通Web端,在“船员费用→船员工资→月度薪资表”界面,可按照以下步骤1-4进行操作: 1、查看新增操作: 2、导出操作: Web端如何查看、导出船员工资(文档).pdf

Web端 船员工资 查看船员工资 导出船员工资 月度薪资表
孙红梅     2024-12-23 16:49     來源: 月度薪资表     0 19 0

Log in to the web version of Huitong Marine, and on the Crew Management - Crew Tracking interface, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-5: It sh...

Web crew tracking tasks reminders
孙红梅     2024-12-23 13:41     來源: 船员动态     0 42 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and on the Crew Management → Crew Tracking interface, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-5: Note: If the number ...

Web crew tracking dynamic tracking
孙红梅     2024-12-23 13:29     來源: 船员动态     0 30 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and on the Crew Management → Crew Tracking interface, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-3: Note: After the sett...

Web Crew Birthday Reminder Crew Dynamics
孙红梅     2024-12-23 11:27     來源: 船员动态     0 46 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and on the Crew Management → Crew Aeeangement page, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-3: How to configure the w...

Web crew arrangement crew attendance attendance time setting contract award
孙红梅     2024-12-23 10:05     來源: 船员调配     0 38 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, go to Workbench → Waiting Tasks → Crew Certificate - No Attachment interface, and follow these steps 1-4: Instructions: When the crew is on...

Web crew certificate no attachments
孙红梅     2024-12-20 14:50     來源: 船员资料     0 33 0

用户登录互海通Web端,在“工作台→待处理任务→船员证书-无附件”界面,可按照以下步骤1-4进行操作: 说明: 当船员在船且船员证书缺少附件,“工作台-待处理任务”才会有船员证书无附件任务。 Web端如何处理船员证书无附件任务(文档).pdf

Web端 船员证书 无附件
孙红梅     2024-12-20 14:12     來源: 船员资料     0 42 0