
After the maintenance task is generated (in Maintenance Plan of Month interface), the "Maintenance List To Be Executed" task will appear on the Dashboard of pe...

execute maintenance tasks online
高银     2023-06-19 16:43     來源: 月度保养计划     0 74 0

According to the oil inspection plan that has been set and selected inspection date,the Waiting Tasks of oil inspection on Dashboard are generally overdue or due. Take t...

高银     2023-06-19 16:17     來源: 油料检测     0 49 0

When executing a maintenance task, if repair records exsit,you can convert the maintenance task to repair processing according to the actual situation, so this maintenan...

convert a maintenance task into repair
高银     2023-06-19 16:06     來源: 月度保养计划     0 82 0

Once the generated/added maintenance tasks are submitted,according to the approval process, after the operation of "Approve" and "Execute" , the docu...

accept or reject a maintenance list single batch
高银     2023-06-19 16:03     來源: 月度保养计划     0 73 0

After the maintenance task is generated/submitted for approval, the maintenance task will appear on Dashboard of Personnel with execution permission in a state of "...

associate inventory when executing maintenance tasks
高银     2023-06-19 15:59     來源: 月度保养计划     0 65 0

In case of poor network or lack of items required for maintenance,such as spare parts,stores, etc,the maintenance tasks will be postponed.Based on the above situation,OL...

apply for deferred execution of maintenance tasks
高银     2023-06-19 15:43     來源: 月度保养计划     0 61 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS and operate in"Dashboard → Shortcut → Add Casual Maintain Task"interface according to the following steps 1-5: Note: ...

add an irregular maintenance task
高银     2023-06-19 15:35     來源: 月度保养计划     0 55 0

First, confirm whether the equipment list of the vessel has been imported in Equipment List interface.   Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS,and operate in "V...

equipment running hour list
高银     2023-06-19 15:29     來源: 设备运行时长     0 66 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS and operate in Dashboard interface according to the following steps 1-5: Note: The more frequent reading of equipment running h...

set equipment running hours
高银     2023-06-19 15:23     來源: 设备运行时长     0 74 0

For oil inspection, you need to set an inspection plan first. After setting, if you add an oil inspection task, according to the approval process and the inspection plan...

execute oil inspection
高银     2023-06-19 15:22     來源: 油料检测     0 61 0