
Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in"Crew Management→Crew Work Injury"interface according to the following steps 1-3: How to add Crew Work...

高银     2023-06-20 09:52     來源: 船员事件     0 58 0

Single Addition Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in"Crew Management → Crew Info"interface according to the following steps 1-3: Batch Add...

高银     2023-06-20 09:46     來源: 船员资料     0 73 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Crew Management → Crew Info." interface according to the following steps 1-2: Select "Crew Info...

高银     2023-06-20 09:39     來源: 船员资料     0 72 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Crew Management → Crew Info." interface according to the following steps 1-3: The user can export th...

高银     2023-06-20 09:25     來源: 船员资料     0 53 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS and operate in"Maintenance → Maintenance Management → Maintenance Plan of Year" interface according to the following ...

execute maintenance tasks offline
高银     2023-06-20 09:02     來源: 月度保养计划     0 68 0

The following operation steps need to be carried out under the condition of network. While the vessel is on an ocean-going mission or there is no network,after executing...

Offline Maintenance Operating Instructions
高银     2023-06-19 17:05     來源: 月度保养计划     0 72 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS,and operate in"Maintenance → Maintenance Management → Maintenance Plan of Year"interface according to the following s...

modify period type of maintenance items
高银     2023-06-19 16:57     來源: 年度保养计划     0 66 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in"Maintenance → Maintenance Management → Maintenance Plan of Year"interface according to the following ...

query the maintenance plan modification record and maintenance history
高银     2023-06-19 16:52     來源: 年度保养计划     0 80 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS,and operate in "Maintenance → Maintenance Management → Maintenance Plan of Year" interface according to the following...

modify/invalidate an annual maintenance plan item
高银     2023-06-19 16:49     來源: 年度保养计划     0 69 0

Users can choose to export according to their needs when using OLSaaS:Annual Maintenance Plan/Annual Maintenance Plan(Irregularly not included): If you need to import th...

import and export the Annual Maintenance Plan
高银     2023-06-19 16:47     來源: 年度保养计划     0 70 0