
After the user logs in to the web site of OLISS, click "Maintenance → Oil Inspection" in order. On the oil inspection interface, you can follow steps 1-5 as fo...

set oil inspection plans
朱慧     2024-12-31 13:11     來源: 油料检测     0 24 0

According to the approval process and inspection plan, after the completion of the oil inspection task, the documents will be transferred to the workbench with acceptanc...

accept oil inspection web
朱慧     2024-12-31 13:05     來源: 油料检测     0 21 0

Before adding the temporary oil inspection task, the oil inspection plan needs to be set first, because the oil inspection plan includes the oil inspection approval proc...

add temporary oil inspection
朱慧     2024-12-31 11:58     來源: 油料检测     0 23 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and you can perform operations according to steps 1-4 on the Settings → Role Authority interface: 1、Click to enter the role authority inter...

Web role authority batch authorization
孙红梅     2024-12-31 11:22     來源: 角色管理     0 34 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and you can perform the following operations on the Settings → Role Authority interface: 1、Click to enter the role authority interface; 2、Y...

Web view edit delete copy system roles authority
孙红梅     2024-12-31 10:04     來源: 角色管理     0 42 0

After the user logs in to the OLISS web side, they click "Maintenance→Maintenance Management→Maintenance Task" in order to enter the maintenance task interface...

approve execute accept maintenance task list
朱慧     2024-12-31 10:00     來源: 保养任务     0 23 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-5 on the Settings → Role Authority interface: 1、Click to enter the role a...

Web Add Roles Authority
孙红梅     2024-12-31 09:18     來源: 角色管理     0 38 0

How to batch assign Web-based single vessel permissions to users (based on vessels) (document) Log in to the OLISS Web side, and you can perform operations according to ...

Web single ship permission batch assignment user ship permission
孙红梅     2024-12-30 17:19     來源: 用户管理     0 7 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and you can perform the following steps 1-3 on the Setting → User interface: 1、Click to enter the User interface; 2、Click "Login log q...

Web query login time login log
孙红梅     2024-12-30 16:41     來源: 用户管理     0 7 0

Log in to the OLISS Web side, Click Switch System and select System Management. In the System Management interface, choose Department Users. You can perform operations a...

Web create organizational structure new edit deactivate department
孙红梅     2024-12-30 16:13     來源: 用户管理     0 6 0