Users can log in to the website of OLISS and operate in"Vessel Management → Cert. Management → Vessel Cert."interface according to the following steps 1-6(Take...
自修方案确认完毕后,单据流转至有自修项执行权限的人员工作台。 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,在流程审批任务中点击“自修-执行”,进入自修-执行界面,可通过筛选栏或关键字查找目标项,点击目标项任意位置进入自修详情界面,在该界面填写维修地点、完成情况,选择完成日期,根据需要选择是否上传附件及新增实际消耗物品,最后根据实际情况点...
The user logs in to the OLISS Web side , and clicks to enter the"Vessel Management → Certificate Management → Vessel Certificate" interface, clicks "Add&q...
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击进入“船舶管理→证书管理→船舶证书”界面,点击新增,在船舶证书新增界面,填写证书名称、到期日期,根据需求选择证书类型,负责部门等相关信息,可填写备注及上传附件,最后点击“确定”。 Web端如何新增船舶证书(文档).pdf
After the crew evaluation is generated / submitted, the documents will be transferred to the workbench of the evaluation personnel according to the set evaluation proces...
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击进入“船舶管理→证书管理→公司证书”界面,点击新增,在公司证书新增界面,填写证书名称、证书编号,根据需求选择证书类型,负责部门等相关信息,可填写备注及上传附件,最后点击“确定”。 Web端如何新增公司证书(文档).pdf
The user logs in to the OLISS Web side , and clicks to enter the"Vessel Management → Certificate Management → Company Certificate"interface, clicks "Add&q...
For the associated inspection items of the vessel certificate. First you need to configure the inspection content: users log in to the OLISS Web side, click to enter the...
According to the different execution methods, it is divided into three ways: Smart Template, Online Editing, and Uploading Attachments. Among them, the smart template is...
船舶证书关联检验项,首先需要配置检验内容:用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击进入“船舶管理→证书管理→船舶证书”界面,选择目标船舶,点击“关联检验项”选择“检验内容配置”,在检查内容配置界面,点击“添加分类”,填写检验内容名称、预警天数,根据需求填写英文名称等相关信息,选择是否添加新证书后,点击“保存”即可完成添加,最后点击“确定” 提醒...