
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击进入“船员管理→离船申请”界面,可按关键字或筛选条件查找目标单据,点击目标单据所在行任意位置,进入离船申请详情界面,在该界面,可查看船员详细资料、计划离船时间、单据审批进度等信息 Web端如何查看船员离船申请(文档).pdf

Web端 离船申请 查看
孙红梅     2025-01-21 16:03     來源: 离船申请     0 23 0

After the crew disembarkation application is approved, the documentation will be transferred to the personnel workbench with execution authority according to the approva...

Web execution disembarkation request
孙红梅     2025-01-21 15:39     來源: 离船申请     0 16 0

船员离船申请经审批通过后,根据审批流程节点,单据流转至有执行权限的人员工作台。 用户登录互海通Web端,默认进入工作台界面,点击“流程审批→离船申请-执行”,点击待执行的目标单据,进入离船申请详情界面,根据需要完善“接替船员设定”的相关信息(带*必填/必须),最后根据需要进行“执行”或 “作废”操作,也可进行“评论”或“更多”。 Web...

Web端 执行 离船申请
孙红梅     2025-01-21 15:37     來源: 离船申请     0 14 0

When the Ministry of Communications / Maritime Safety Administration and other relevant departments issued and updated relevant files, in order to facilitate the shippin...

synchronize SMS files publish notice web
朱慧     2025-01-21 15:21     來源: 外部文件     0 15 0

一、Single Addition Users can log in to the website of OLISS , and operate in"Crew Management→ Disembark Request"interface ,according to the following steps 1-4:...

Web Disembarkation application add single batch
孙红梅     2025-01-21 14:49     來源: 离船申请     0 19 0

Users log in to the OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" in order to enter the external file interface, click to "Shared Files&...

view copy shared files web
朱慧     2025-01-21 14:41     來源: 外部文件     0 13 0

Users login in to the OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" to enter the external file interface, can find the target file through th...

add appendix information SMS files internal external web
朱慧     2025-01-21 14:38     來源: 外部文件     0 16 0

互海通有以下几种渠道可以获取帮助: 亮点:通过点击问号图标查看相关文档/视频,实现哪里不会点哪里! 一、点击问号 1、Web端 用户登录互海通Web端后默认工作台界面,点击左侧菜单的具体功能,再次点击右上方的问号图标,可查看与该功能关联的所有操作文档/视频,根据需要点击查看具体功能文档;还可以点击“所有帮助”进入互海通帮助系统,在该界面...

Web端 App端 问号 实现哪里不会点哪里
李昱     2025-01-21 13:57     來源: Web端     0 22 0

According to the approval process, the disembark request submitted by people on board will be transferred to the approval staff. Users can log in to the website of OLISS...

Web approve the disembark request
孙红梅     2025-01-21 13:44     來源: 离船申请     0 22 0

Users log in the OLISS web side and click "SMS Management→SMS Files→External Files" to enter the external file interface. They can query the target file throug...

view study record SMS file internal external files web
朱慧     2025-01-21 13:39     來源: 外部文件     0 15 0