Users log in to OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→Internal Files" in order to enter the internal file interface, default display "List View&...
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击进入船员调令界面,可通过关键字或筛选条件查找目标单据,点击目标单据任意位置可查看详情,在船员调令单详情界面,点击船员姓名,可查看船员资料信息,点击“更多”,可导出调令单。 Web端如何查看船员调令详情(文档) .pdf
Users can group internal files within the OLISS system. User login into the OLISS web side, click "SMS Management→SMS Files→Internal File" in order to enter th...
Users log in to the OLISS web side , click to enter the crew transfer interface in order, and can find the target documentation by keywords or filtering conditions. Clic...
After the user logs in to the OLISS web side , they can click "Crew Transfer Order" to perform individual or batch addition operations on the Crew Transfer Ord...
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“体系管理→体系文件→内部文件”进入内部文件界面,点击“体系文件分组”,在体系文件分组界面,针对已经创建的体系文件分组,点击“编辑/删除”可进行相应操作。 在编辑体系分组界面,可根据需要修改相关信息(如分组名称、适用船舶、关联的文件等),修改完成后,点击“确定”即可。 若点击“删除”键,则系统会跳出提示框...
After the user logs in to the OLISS web side, click on "Internal File". In the internal file interface, it is displayed in a list view by default. Clicking can...
用户针对公司内部文件,可以在互海通系统内进行分组。 用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击“体系管理→体系文件→内部文件”进入内部文件界面,再点击“体系文件分组”,在体系文件分组界面点击“新增分组”进入新增体系分组界面,在该界面填写分组名称及备注信息,选择适用船舶(可全选或选择个别船舶),勾选该体系分组关联的体系文件,点击“确定”后即可成功创...
Users log in to the OLISS web side and click to enter in turn"Crew Management → Disembark Request"interface, you can find the target documentation by keywords ...