
用户本人提交的付款单,系统支持撤回操作(即谁提交,谁撤回)。 用户登录互海通Web端,在“费用管理→付款单”界面,可按照以下步骤1-3进行操作:   说明:只有单据的提交人,才可撤回付款单!若单据已有角色进行了审批,则无法撤回! Web端如何撤销付款单.pdf

付款单 撤回
高银     2023-08-08 17:40     來源: 付款单     0 92 0

用户登录互海通Web端,在“费用管理→付款单”界面,可按以下步骤1-9操作: (本文档以受款人是供应商为例进行介绍)     付款单提交后,可在付款单界面,通过筛选栏选择状态来查询单据审批进度,如下图: 下一步: 付款单提交后,根据审批流程节点,单据流转至审批人员工作台进行审批。 (注:若单据提交时,选择的是“无审批流程”,则单据选择该...

Web端 新增 付款单 银行信息
高银     2023-08-08 17:10     來源: 付款单     0 166 0

After the purchase application is approved, it will become a purchase plan. There are two inquiry methods in the system: "Combined Items to Inquiry" and "...

高银     2023-08-07 16:10     來源: 采购计划     0 24 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Purchase Management→Purchase Application" interface according to the following steps 1-4: How to vie...

高银     2023-08-07 15:24     來源: 采购申请     0 68 0

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Workbench→Shortcut→Add Purchase Apply" interface according to the following steps 1-13: Note:There a...

高银     2023-08-07 15:23     來源: 采购申请     0 71 0

The reasons why the Purchase Application can't be submitted? 1. In editing interface of Purchase Application, some required fields may not be filledin(Items with* are re...

高银     2023-08-07 15:08     來源: 采购申请     0 59 0

After the purchase application(non-vessel-purchased)isapproved, the document will automatically become a purchase plan. In order to facilitate the offline docking of pro...

高银     2023-08-07 15:07     來源: 采购订单     0 56 0

The purchaser receives the supplier's quotation, selects the high-quality scheme according to the cost performance and submits it for approval. According to the workflow...

高银     2023-08-07 15:06     來源: 询价管理     0 61 0

After the Purchase Application is submitted, according to the approval process, the documents will be transferred to the approver's workbench for approval. Users can log...

高银     2023-08-07 15:03     來源: 采购申请     0 66 0

After the purchase order is completed, users can evaluate the supplier's services, products, and so on. The supplier score is the comprehensive score obtained from the u...

高银     2023-08-07 15:00     來源: 采购管理     0 16 0