Users log in to the OLISS Web sied, click to enter the "Crew Management → Crew Evaluation" interface in order, and click "Evaluation Form Setting".In...
用户登录互海通Web端,依次点击进入“船员管理→船员考核”界面,点击“考核表设置”,在考核表设置界面,点击“新增”可新增考核表,可根据关键字或筛选条件检索目标考核表,点击目标考核表任意位置可查看该考核表详情,分别点击可对该考核表进行编辑、删除、复制的操作。 a. 编辑: 点击“编辑”进入考核表编辑界面,根据需求修改考核表标题、考核生成时...
At present, the crew assessment is mainly divided into six types: Dimission Evaluation, Probation Evaluation, Regular Evaluation, Temporary Evaluation, Interview Assessm...
用户登录互海通Web端后,点击“简历更新”,在简历更新界面包含邀请更新、批量更新功能。 点击“邀请更新”,在邀请更新简历界面,根据需要选择“二维码邀请”或“短信邀请”。 1、二维码邀请 当选择“二维码邀请”时,下载二维码后发送给船员。 该船员通过手机端微信扫码进入“互海船员”小程序界面,在该界面点击“登录”后,勾选同意协议以及点击“获取...
After the user log in to the OLISS web, click "Crew Evaluation", click "Add" in the crew assessment interface, select the assessment type to be manua...
There are currently four types of assessment, namelydimission evaluation, probation evaluation, regular evaluationandtemporary evaluation. The generation time of the abo...
Users log in to the OLISS web side, click on the "Crew Management → Crew Evaluation" interface in order, clicks on "Add", a pop-up window of "Ad...
After logging in to the OLISS web side, users click “ SMS Management→Audits Management ” in order, audits management module include annual audit plan and audit implement...