How to add irregular maintenance tasks (Document)
作者: 朱慧 于 2025年02月18日 发布在分类 / 维护保养 / Web端 / 保养管理 / 月度保养 下,并于 2025年02月18日 编辑
Web add irregular maintenance tasks

Users log in to the OLISS web side and click "Maintenance→Monthly Maintenance" in order to enter the monthly maintenance interface, click "Add Irregular", select the vessel name and the responsible department, select "Add Plan" or "Batch Execute" as needed, and click "Confirm".

Note: "Add Plan" is suitable for making an irregular maintenance plan in advance and subsequent execution;"Batch Execute" is suitable for executing roles directly executing and submitting irregular maintenance tasks.

1.Add plan

For adding irregular maintenance project plan, add from the existing maintenance plan, or temporary added maintenance items.

(1)Add from the existing maintenance plan

In the add irregular maintenance items interface, select the planned maintenance date for the item to be added and click "Next", planned maintenance date can be modified or deleted, after adding, click "Confirm".The irregular maintenance item can be displayed in the monthly maintenance list.

(2)Temporary added maintenance items

In the add irregular maintenance items interface, click "Temporary Added New Maintenance Items" into the select equipment interface. In this interface, target devices can be find through the filter bar, click the"+"after the target device. In the add maintenance item interface, complete the add maintenance item information (with * required), click "Confirm". The temporary addition of maintenance items can be displayed in the monthly maintenance list.

2.Batch execute

In the execute irregular maintenance items interface, fill in the finish date, completion status, and upload attachments, add associated consumption as needed, click "Next", finish date, completion status, attachment can be modified or deleted. After adding. click "Confirm". The executed irregular maintenance items can be displayed in the monthly maintenance list.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2025-02-18 11:49:44[当前版本] 朱慧 CREAT



