How to generate purchase orders for combined items to inquiry from different departments (Document)
作者: 朱慧 于 2025年01月20日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 采购订单 下,并于 2025年01月20日 编辑
generate purchase orders combined items to inquiry freight

When multiple application orders are combined for inquiry, the items of different departments in the same vessel are divided into different purchase orders, and the freight is equally divided according to the number of items of the department. In the case of inexhaustible situation, it is rounded up.

For instance:

When the deck and engine also apply for spare parts, purchaser in the "Purchasing Management→Purchase Plan" interface combines items to inquiry, inquiry execution send orders, according to the department generated two purchase orders, freight according to the department of items split whole (total freight 100 yuan, deck procurement 1, freight 33 yuan, engine procurement 2, freight 67 yuan). In this way, different departments can respectively click on their own purchase orders for acceptance.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2025-01-20 11:28:13[当前版本] 朱慧 CREAT



