How to calculate the next maintenance date of the maintenance task (maintenance period is running hour) (Document)
作者: 朱慧 于 2024年12月30日 发布在分类 / 维护保养 / Web端 / 保养管理 / 设备运行时长 下,并于 2024年12月30日 编辑
calculate next maintenance date

For the maintenance period of running hour, the next maintenance date is calculated according to the reading of the maintenance period, running already hour, daily running hour, add running hours and current record time.

For example, if the maintenance period of the No. 2 diesel engine in a No. 2 diesel generator prime mover is 10,000 hours, and it has been running for 2230 hours as of April 24, 2024, and an additional 5780 hours of operation have been added from April 24, 2024 to December 30, 2024, with a daily running hour of 24 hours, then the next maintenance date for this maintenance item is:

December 30, 2024 + (maintenance period 10000 - running already hours 2230 - add running hours 5780)/daily running hours 24 = March 22, 2025

Note:Users can adjust whether the maintenance task of this project is generated according to the add running hours of this period.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-12-30 15:38:23[当前版本] 朱慧 CREAT



