After the maintenance task is generated / submitted for approval, according to the approval process node, after the maintenance task passes the "approval" step, the "maintenance list for execution" task will appear on the workbench of personnel with execution authority.
Users can log in to the OLISS web side and perform the operation in the following steps 1-9:
Note:If the maintenance item is set as required in the related consumption, the item will become a required item with red star (i. e., must be filled in). If not, it cannot be submitted for acceptance;
After maintenance submission, the user can view the associated exit order in the maintenance details interface:
Users can also view the details of the maintenance consumption items in the "Stock Management→Stock-out Management" interface, and they can also view the associated maintenance documents in the outbound details interface.
Next Step:
After the maintenance task is completed, the documents will be "to acceptance" according to the approval process node and transferred to the acceptance staff desk.