How to Remind Web-based Crew Tracking Tasks (Document)
作者: 孙红梅 于 2024年12月23日 发布在分类 / 船员管理 / Web端 / 船员动态 下,并于 2024年12月23日 编辑
Web crew tracking tasks reminders

Log in to the web version of Huitong Marine, and on the Crew Management - Crew Tracking interface, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-5:

It should be noted that:

In the Reminder Settings, the number of days for advance notification has been set (as shown in the image below). When this number of days is reached, the Crew Manager Workbench will display crew activity tasks that need to be processed.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-12-23 13:41:10[当前版本] 孙红梅 CREAT



