How to initialize the crew member information on the web side (document)
作者: 孙红梅 于 2024年12月20日 发布在分类 / 船员管理 / Web端 / 船员资料 下,并于 2024年12月20日 编辑
Web Initialization Crew Profile Crew Certificate Template

Log in to the OLISS Web side, and on the Crew Management → Crew Information interface, you can perform operations according to the following steps 1-3:

Users can export the required template, complete the information, and then import the completed crew member profile information into the OLISS System by clicking on Import Data!

(Note: Only Excel templates exported by the system can be used)



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-12-20 13:35:35[当前版本] 孙红梅 CREAT



