How to urge the _Unreceived_ item on the web side (document)
作者: 孙红梅 于 2024年12月16日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 采购申请 下,并于 2024年12月16日 编辑
Web Purchase Requisition Application Not Arrived Urge

When the last purchased item (document) is still in the process (such as inquiring, accepting, etc.), if you submit the purchase application again for the same item this time, in the "Purchase Application Edit" interface, the status of the item will display "Unreceived". To ensure timely supply of the item, you can urge the "Unreceived" item.

When users log in to the OLISS Web side, they will enter the " Workbench " interface by default. They can follow steps 1-6 to operate:



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-12-16 13:27:47[当前版本] 孙红梅 CREAT



