How to quickly inquire about items that have not been quoted by suppliers on the web (document)
作者: 孙红梅 于 2024年12月13日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 询价管理 下,并于 2024年12月13日 编辑
Web supplier not quoted separate inquiry quick inquiry

After sending an inquiry through the OLISS system (Inquiry Mode: General Inquiry), the supplier will provide a full or partial quotation according to the situation.

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side and follow steps 1-10 in the "Purchase Management → Inquiry Management" interface.

Next step:

After sending an email/text message to the supplier, if the supplier replies with a quote, a small speaker reminder will appear in the inquiry management interface, as shown in the figure below.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-12-13 15:07:42[当前版本] 孙红梅 CREAT



