How to execute emergency drills on the web side (document)
作者: 朱慧 于 2024年12月13日 发布在分类 / 海务管理 / Web端 / 应急年计划 / 应急演练 下,并于 2024年12月13日 编辑
execute emergency drills web

Emergency drills will be automatically generated after approval according to the annual emergency plan. Users can also add temporary drills according to their needs. According to the effective date and cycle, the emergency drill execution tasks will appear on the workbench waiting task interface.

Users can log in to the OLISS Web side, enter the workbench interface, and follow steps 1-4 below to perform operations.

Next step:

After the emergency drill is completed, according to the process approval node, the documentation will be transferred to the personnel workbench with acceptance authority.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-12-13 13:24:00[当前版本] 朱慧 CREAT



