How to Select Shore-basedStockWhenApplicationItems on the WebSide(Document)
作者: 李昱 于 2024年11月11日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 采购申请 下,并于 2024年11月11日 编辑
Web Purchase Requisition Inventory Claim Shore-based Inventory

After logging in to the OLISS Web side, users can follow the steps below (1-5) in the "Purchase Management → Purchase Application → Add (Spare Parts/Marine Stores/Oil) Purchasing Items" interface.

(This document demonstrates the process using "Spare Parts" as an example.)"

Next step:

After the inventory requisition form is submitted for approval, the document will be routed to the workbench of the personnel who have the approval authority for inventory requisitions.

(Note: When the store migrate application is approved, a task titled "Stock Application Awaiting Acceptance" will appear on the workbench of the relevant personnel on the ship side, indicating that they need to operate accept to stock process.)

If the purchase application is submitted through the "Shore-based Stock Application" method, it will not undergo the subsequent inquiry and quotation process.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-11-11 11:00:12[当前版本] 李昱 CREAT



