How to Set Up Evaluation Forms and Evaluation Processes(Document)
作者: 朱慧 于 2024年11月08日 发布在分类 / 船员管理 / Web端 / 船员考核 下,并于 2024年11月08日 编辑
Set Up Evaluation Forms and Evaluation Processes

After logging in to the OLISS Web side, users should click on "Crew Evaluation". On the Crew Evaluation interface, click "Evaluation Form Setting", then click "Add". Fill in the title of the evaluation form, select the evaluation type, scoring method, applicable vessels, and applicable ranks. After editing the evaluation form and process information, click "Confirm" to complete the setup.


1.When selecting "Probation Evaluation" or "Regular Evaluation" as the evaluation type, users need to fill in the evaluation item generate date.

2.When selecting "Interview and Assessment" as the evaluation type, users need to set whether to automatically generate evaluations for new crew members.

3.When selecting "Regular Evaluation" or "Dimission Evaluation" as the evaluation type, users need to fill in the generation rules. An evaluation task will be generated if the number of days on board exceeds the set number of days.

The scoring methods include Summary Score and Special Score:

When selecting "Summary Score",during the process editing, you need to choose the evaluator, whether they will participate in scoring, whether the overall evaluation is mandatory, whether abstention is allowed, and fill in the evaluation weights for each role.

When selecting "Special Score", during the process editing, you need to choose the evaluator, whether they will participate in scoring, whether the overall evaluation is mandatory, and select the evaluation items.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-11-08 16:47:11[当前版本] 朱慧 其他原因...
2024-11-08 16:44:16 朱慧 CREAT



