How to Withdraw a Purchase Application on the Web Platform (Document)
作者: 李昱 于 2024年11月05日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 采购申请 下,并于 2024年11月05日 编辑
Web Withdrawal Purchase Requirement

After submitting a purchaseapplicationfor approval, if the document reviewer has not performed any approval actions, the account holder can withdraw the document.

After logging in to theOLISSwebplatform, users can follow the steps 1-4 below on the "Purchase Management → PurchaseApplication" interface. (This document takes "Spare Parts" as an example.)

1、Click to enter the "PurchaseApplication" interface.

2、When there are many documents, you can quickly find the target document through the filter conditions.

3、Click on the target document to enter the purchaseapplicationdetails interface.

4、If the document has not been approved, click "Withdraw" on the right side and select "Confirm" to withdraw the document.


After successfully withdrawing the purchaseapplicationform, the document status will change to "Unsubmitted". Users can click the "Edit" button on the right side of the document to make relevant modifications and then resubmit it for approval. If it is not needed, it can also be directly deleted, as shown in the figure below:

2、If the company has set multiple approval steps (i.e., approval by multiple roles) for purchaseapplication, users cannot withdraw the requisition form even if it has already been approved by one role.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-11-05 09:45:41[当前版本] 李昱 CREAT



