Budget Process Guidelines (Document)
作者: 朱慧 于 2024年11月04日 发布在分类 / 预算管理 / Web端 下,并于 2024年11月04日 编辑
Budget Process Guidelines

The Budget Management module of OLISS is designed to help shipping companies efficiently control their financial budgets. Here are the steps to execute budget management:

1.Budget Setting:Firstly, log in to the OLISS web platform to set up exchange rates, accounting settings, and budget setting.

2.Budget Application:In the Budget Application section, based on the management departments bound to the accounting subjects in the settings, fill in the budget data for each using department (Shore-based/Vessel) under the corresponding budget subjects of the management departments.

3.Budget Approve:After completing the budget application, submit it for the budget approval process.

4.Budget Control:Once the budget application is approved, the system will link it to each business document and provide intelligent reminders to both the applicant and the approver based on the budget targets and actual expenses.

5.Budget Analysis:The budget performance provides diversified statistical reports to remind all vessels and departments to control their budgets effectively.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2024-11-04 13:23:47[当前版本] 朱慧 CREAT



