The reasons why the Purchase Application can't be submitted
作者: 高银 于 2023年08月07日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 采购申请 下,并于 2023年08月07日 编辑

The reasons why the Purchase Application can't be submitted?

1. In editing interface of Purchase Application, some required fields may not be filledin(Items with* are required), so the request cannot be submitted

To reduce duplicate applications and standardize the procurement process, "OLSaaS" restricts some procurement applications, mainly in the following two points:

2. There are items that have been applied but not received.

3.There are unprocessed purchase documents exceeding the limited number within a specified period of time or the quantity of orders to be accepted exceeds the specified quantity.

If there are more than a limited number of submitted and unprocessed documents within a specified period of timeaccodingto vessels, dept. (Deck, Engine),Items(Spare Parts, Stores, Oil),It is not allowed to submit a new application form; Or if there are more than the specified number of purchase orders that have not been accepted, it is not allowed to submit new application forms.The limited quantity can be customized and modified by the company administrator (see the red part in the figure below for detailed settings).

When users can't submit the Purchase Application, please pay attention to what the reasons are. Such as the required items are incomplete, the applied goods have not received or number of documents exceeds the specified quantity of the company. Then take appropriate measures accordingly.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-08-07 15:08:08[当前版本] 高银 CREAT



