How to set the task of making monthly salary table
作者: 高银 于 2023年07月15日 发布在分类 / 船员费用 / Web端 / 船员工资 / 薪资设置 下,并于 2023年07月15日 编辑
making monthly salary table

How to set the task of making monthly salary table

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Crew Cost → Crew Salary → Salary Setting" interface according to the following steps 1-4:

Next Step:

After the salary task setting is completed, there will be a monthly salary table to be submitted in the relevant personnel workbench, as shown in the following figure:



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-07-15 14:28:04[当前版本] 高银 CREAT



