How to approve the labor reimbursement form
作者: 高银 于 2023年06月26日 发布在分类 / 费用管理 / Web端 / 劳务报销 下,并于 2023年06月26日 编辑
approve the labor reimbursement form

After the labor reimbursement application is submitted, according to the workflow, the document will be transferred to the approver's workbench.

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Workbench → Workflow Task → Approve → Labor Reimbursement" interface according to the following steps 1-3:

Next Step:

①For the approved labor reimbursement document, if the company has set the "Execute" step in the workflow, the document will be in a state of "Executing", which is generally used to record the payment operation of labor reimbursement;

②For the rejected labor reimbursement document, the document will be in a state of "Rejected" in the interface of "Labor Reimbursement".Users can copy the original document according to actual needs, and resubmit it for approval after modification



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-06-26 17:27:31[当前版本] 高银 CREAT



