How to add Expenses Reimbursement
作者: 高银 于 2023年06月26日 发布在分类 / 费用管理 / Web端 / 经费报销 下,并于 2023年06月26日 编辑
add Expenses Reimbursement

The expense types of expense reimbursement are: petty cash type and non-petty cash type(other types).

Expense type: petty cash

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Expense Management → Expenses Reimbursement" interface according to the following steps 1-7:

After selecting the petty cash for the expense type, you need to select a specific ship:


If you select petty cash - vessel purchased spare parts/stores, you need to associate the vessel purchased documents in the system!

After the reimbursement form is approved, the expenses will be automatically deducted from the total petty cash of the vessel!

Expense type: other types

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in"Expense Management → Expenses Reimbursement" interface according to the following steps 1-6:

Next Step:

After the expenses reimbursement document is submitted, according to the workflow node, the document will be transferred to the workbench of the personnel with approval authority;Users can query the document status through the filter column in the expense reimbursement interface, as shown in the following figure:


If the user selects "No Workflow" when the document is submitted, the document status will immediately become "Finished".



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-06-26 17:22:22[当前版本] 高银 其他原因...
2023-06-26 17:22:06 高银 CREAT



