How to create Voyage Work Report
作者: 高银 于 2023年06月25日 发布在分类 / 船舶报告 / Web端 / 航次工作汇报 下,并于 2023年06月25日 编辑
create Voyage Work Report

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Workbench" interface according to the following steps 1-5’:

Note: the department that fills in the report first can click "Save" in the lower right corner to save the report as a draft, and the next department can click "Edit" to continue the report(step 4').

Next Step:

After the voyage work report is submitted, according to the workflow, the documents will be transferred to the Workbench of personnel with approval authority.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-06-25 09:46:56[当前版本] 高银 CREAT



