How to modify period type of maintenance items
作者: 高银 于 2023年06月19日 发布在分类 / 维护保养 / Web端 / 保养管理 / 年度保养计划 下,并于 2023年06月19日 编辑
modify period type of maintenance items

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS,and operate in"Maintenance → Maintenance Management → Maintenance Plan of Year"interface according to the following steps 1-8:

(This document shows the operation process by changing the period type from regular to irregular!!)

Next Step:

After the maintenance item modification request is submitted for approval, the approval task will automatically appear on Dashboard of approval roles according to the approval process settings.

After approval of shore based personnel, the maintenance item will generate a maintenance task based on the modified settings.

(It has no effect on maintenance tasks generated before modification!)


1.If the period type is changed from irregualr to regular,the Next Maintenance Date must exist.Since the original maintenance item is irregular and the task will not be automatically generated, so the generated maintenance task does not need to deal with.The system will calculate the plan automatically according to the period setting and the next maintenance date.

2.If it is changed from regular to irregular, because there is no Next Maintenance Date, and the original maintenance item can automatically generate a maintenance task,if the system has already generated maintenance tasks after the current day, the unfinished maintenance tasks should be deleted after modification.

3. If it is changed from regular to another regular type,the Next Maintenance Date must exist.If the system has already generated maintenance tasks after the current day, the unfinished maintenance tasks which generated after the Next Maintenance Date should be deleted after modification.



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-06-19 16:57:52[当前版本] 高银 CREAT



