How to approve the crew interview
作者: 高银 于 2023年06月19日 发布在分类 / 招聘管理 / Web端 / 面试管理 / 船员面试 下,并于 2023年06月19日 编辑
approve the crew interview

After the crew interview sheet is submitted, according to the setting of the workflow, the approval task will be transferred to the workbench of the approval role.


Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in"Workflow Task Approve Crew Interview(to be approved) " interface according to the following steps 1-6:

粘贴图片 粘贴图片

Next Stop

If it is approved, just fill in the approval comments and upload the attachment as needed (or click "Confirm" without filling in).

If it is rejected, you need to fill in the specific approval comments(required) and click "Confirm".



修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-06-19 14:29:49[当前版本] 高银 CREAT



