Explanation of the information filled in:
1.Visible Range
①Huhaipin: If "Huhaipin" is selected, the recruitment information will be released to "Huhaipin" crew applet. The crew registered in "Huhaipin" will be able to see the recruitment information released by users and submit resumes for the ranks (crews need to register, authenticate personal information and improve their resumes on "Huhaipin" applet.);
②Enterprise Recruitment: If "Enterprise Recruitment" is selected, the recruitment information can be released to other enterprises in OLSaaS, or designate cooperative units to publish recruitment exclusively, which is convenient for internal recruitment and recommendation among enterprises.
2.Vessel Name
If "Hide Vessel Name" is selected, the name of the vessel cannot be seen in the recruitment information published by the user;
If "Hide Vessel Name" is not selected, users can select the ships that need to recruit crew or they can manually fill in the name of any ship.