2023-08-07 14:59:08 版本 : How to urge the Unreceived items in Purchase Application interface
作者: 高银 于 2023年08月07日 发布在分类 / 采购管理 / Web端 / 采购申请 下,并于 2023年08月07日 编辑

修改日期 修改人 备注
2023-08-07 14:59:40[当前版本] 高银 其他原因...
2023-08-07 14:59:08 高银 CREAT

When the last purchased item(document) is still in theprocess(such as inquiry, accepting,etc...), if the same item is submitted again this time, the status of the item will be "Unreceived" in the "PurcahseAppl.Edit"interface.Inorder to ensure the timely supply of goods, the "Unreceived" goods can be urged.

Users can log in to the website of OLSaaS, and operate in "Purchase Management→Purchase Application→PurcahseAppl. Edit"interface according to the following steps 1-6:




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